Media Appearances
New Year's Resolutions - Writing (ND TODAY)
Heidi talks to Michelle (Guild President) about setting New Year's Resolutions for writing for 2022.
Art Vending Machines (Main Street)
Bringing art to unexpected places is a passion of artist Nicole Gagner, the founder of Meadowlark Mercantile. She got a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts to use old snack vending machines for art vending. Gagner partnered with Justin Cancilliere, the executive director of the BisMan Writers Guild to put homemade ‘zines in one of those machines.
Starving Artist Spooky Stories Zines
Jeff and Amber talk to Justin about the Starving Artist Spooky Stories Zine project.
Bisman Writer's Guild traveling show features local artist (Williston Herald)
BisMan Writers Guild (1MC)
Michelle & Justin talk to 1 Million Cups about the mission of the BisMan Writers Guild & furthering ther mission.
A Williston artist’s pieces will be traveling the state in collaboration with the Bisman Writers Guild for their exhibition, “The Art of Writing.”
BisMan Writers Guild Offers Local Book, Mythology Anthology (Studio 701)
Michael and Amber talk to Justin about The Mythology Anthology.
BisMan Writers Guild giving local writers opportunities, to soon publish anthology (KX News)
Andi Ahne talks to Justin (Guild Executive Director), Nick (Guild Vice-President), and Clayton (Guild Director-at-Large) about The Mythology Anthology and what being a part of the guild is all about.
The Art Of Writing (ND Today)
January is National Hobby Month, a perfect time to get back into an old hobby you love.
Or, you can pick up a new hobby. One hobby that’s easy to get into is creative writing. All you have to do is grab a pen and paper and you’re set.
Justin Cancilliere is the Executive Director for the “BisMan Writer’s Guild” and he joins us to talk to us about creative writing and why it’s such a great hobby.