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BisMan Writers Guild's mission is to uplift local writers throughout North Dakota by promoting, advancing, and supporting them. We do this by offering workshops, sharing the works of others, and shedding light on the amazing talent of our state. We work hard to bring workshops, write-ins, general get-togethers, as well as go to local events to promote our writers.

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Michelle Thomas, President

Michelle Thomas is a Canadian born U.S. citizen who graduated from the University of North Dakota. Native to the north, she lives in the upper midwest to this day. Science Fiction and Fantasy are her preferred genres but, nevertheless, she's a hopeless romantic and her work often shows it. She writes young adult fiction that is often full of adventure so when looking for your next story to immerse yourself in, look up other works from her.

Katherin Pendergast, Vice President

Kat Pendergast is an award-winning and 1# best selling author.  Her books include Pickles the Dog, Adopted in North Dakota, Pickles the Dog, A Christmas Tradition, Pickles the Dog, Goes to School, In Loving Memory A Child’s Journey to Understanding a Funeral and Starting the Grieving Process,  In Loving Memory A Child’s Journey to Understanding a Cremation Funeral and Starting the Grieving Process and Babies of the Badlands.  The Pickles the Dog series was inspired by a real dog named Pickles.  She was at an animal shelter in Minot, ND during the flood of 2011 and kept getting returned to the shelter.  Eventually, she ended up with a family member of Kat's, and boy are we glad she did because Pickles is one of the sweetest dogs around.

Over the course of Kat’s author career, her books have won over 6 national awards.  She has enjoyed traveling for different author events including school visits and book signings around the US.  

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Tina Holland, Secretary

Tina Holland was born in Frankfurt, Germany, and is now settled in the Red River Valley of North Dakota. She lives on a hobby farm and enjoys horseback riding, camping, traveling, and reading books by her favorite authors.


Tina has been published since 2005 and continues to release books as her schedule allows.

Stephen VonHaden, Treasurer

Stephen VonHaden enjoys making people laugh, and really think about life. Stories have been a part of his life for over 10 years. He started putting to paper, and creating new worlds. He loves discussions and learning new things from people.

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